Addiction Recovery Coaching
Are you trying to quit? Or looking for direction in your recovery?
As a Recovery Coach I can help you!
My professional training as well as personal experience has equipped me with the tools, skills and strategies to support and motivate you to achieve your recovery goals.
Why Recovery Coaching?
The journey from active addiction to recovery is a difficult one and often starts with a period of time within a rehab or detox unit. There are good facilities that provide excellent programmes which are designed to give a solid recovery foundation. What they cant do is support you when faced with living life without using. Though many facilities offer an aftercare group, for many this is not enough and some relapse very quickly after leaving treatment. A Recovery Coach gives the support needed and can be there before and after rehab. Sober Companion Hertfordshire – Bedfordshire – UK and international For more information on rehab options visit our company site – Treatment Link here
What does a Recovery Coach do?
A Recovery Coach is an individual who uses their own recovery experience as well as professional training to support and motivate a person in their own journey toward recovery. The range of services a coach offers has to be broad and his or her skills may be called upon to help someone in practical matters, such as registration with medical services, or encouraging good nutrition. Coming from addiction to recovery can often mean the everyday skills needed to live are missing.
Sober Companion
When working as a Sober Companion the ability to support a person in navigating a difficult period especially in early recovery is important. Travelling to and from a rehab centre for example can be a time when a sober companion can really make a difference.
Not all who work with me are in a situation that requires the kind of help just described. Another role in the work of a Recovery Coach is to inspire, encourage and support the spiritual or emotional growth of a person in recovery. Helping to identify areas that might need attention is a process in which a client might find their recovery enhanced by recognising what is working for them, and what is not and what to do about it!
- One to one support in your recovery from addiction
- Motivates and encourages you to create and achieve your goals
- Suggests possible solutions to challenges and helps identify dangerous behaviours (leading to relapse)
- Empowers you to recognise your own strengths and skills
When can I start working with a Coach?
Recovery begins with your decision to change. From this beginning I can support you in reaching your goals. If you are just leaving rehab, have been clean a while, or you are looking toward stopping a particular using behaviour, I am here to help and can start working with you at any point in this process. As a Recovery Coach, I am not going to tell you what your recovery should look like, I will though encourage and support you in finding your own view!
If you are a family member looking for help for your loved one, please contact me to discuss the situation and the options available. Also, for more information on detox or rehab options, visit
My story
My work in Addiction treatment has its foundation in my own experience. Leaving home at an early age to attend boarding school and then college allowed me to engage in activities without restrictions. Drinking from the moment I arrived in a small town in southern Shropshire seemed to be just what was expected and I met those perceived expectations with enthusiasm.I soon found that by using amphetamines I could drink more without becoming as drunk as I had previously.
The secret of getting ahead ..Is getting started! mark twain Contact me today and let me help you help yourself!
- One to one
- Levels of support to meet your needs
- 24 hour available
- At my office – or your location
- Flexible session times
- Fully confidential
Send a WhatsApp Message + 44 1582 318597
Contact me to discuss your situation and to learn more about how I work. Each client I work with has a big part to play in designing a schedule that we agree to and it is in this way a bespoke package is created to meet your needs. The cost of my services are dependent on the level of support required and will be agreed upon before any work is done. The basic level of support can start from as little as £500 a month.
How long do I work with you?
An assignment usually lasts for between 3-6 months although single appointments are sometimes agreed upon. To get a better picture of what is best for you, contact me and lets see if we can work together. There is no charge for the initial appointment that will last for approximately one hour. Here we get a chance to meet each other and to see how we can find the best way to move forward. An initial phone call will give us both a better idea of how to proceed. So, why wait? Get in Touch!
Get in touch today!
You can call, email or WhatsApp message me to talk about how I can help
Telephone: 01582 318597
WhatsApp: +44 1582 318597
How do I find out more?
I am happy to answer any questions you may have and to discuss how i might be able to help you.
There is no obligation to you and could be the beginning of a relationship to enhance your recovery!
So give me a call, email me, or fill in the form on my contact page and I will call you back.
Contact me today to book a complimentary introductory session
Call, email or text me to see how I can help you to move forward in your recovery. Wherever you are starting from, I can support you in achieving more and motivate you to reach your goals.
Every client I work with has their own unique goals and challenges .In spending some time with you we can work together toward setting a plan of action that works for you.
My Location
My office is in Bedfordshire and is close to the M1 and A1. Meetings can be here or at a location of your choice. I understand that you may need to pick a time for our sessions outside of normal business hours. I am happy to agree days and times that are suitable to your circumstances and will travel to your preferred location. sober Companion Hertfordshire – Bedfordshire – UK and International