Asking for help with addiction is something that can be difficult. Feeling that you should be able to deal with it alone is a common mistake that has stopped people in desperate need from reaching out. Feeling alone and isolated, you might have an idea that at some point things will change and that when your circumstances change, you will quit. This type of thinking has a cyclic nature. In a revolving cycle of using to relieve emotional pain, to feeling guilty and then mustering the determination to stop, you find yourself in more pain and so use again. If you are looking for drug addiction support Hertfordshire to London and throughout the UK, Call today to begin One to One Recovery Coaching.
Asking for help 
If this sounds familiar to you, then it might be that it is time to begin to seek help. Here, asking for help with addiction can be difficult in that there might be a part of you that still wants to use, or perhaps you can’t imagine life without drugs or alcohol. These fears and false belief systems are hard to break, the evidence in terms of your health, emotional wellbeing and social standing leave you in more emotional pain which always leads to thinking more about using than stopping.
Recovery Coaching
As a Recovery Coach, this is a dilemma I see in most of my clients and breaking that behavioural pattern is something that takes commitment and direction, the commitment is what you have to bring, direction I can help with. I work with people who have a lot of determination, as well as those who are lost and feel there is no hope. If it has been evident that your determination, or lack of it, has not been sufficient, then perhaps it is time to try something new. Asking for help with addiction is not a weak thing to do, in fact it takes courage and facing fear with courage is true strength. Looking for Addiction Help Hertfordshire – Bedfordshire – London – UK
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